2023 Schedule
Thursday, April 27, 7:00 pm - Festival Kickoff with Professional Filmmakers Doug Spilatro and Griffin Hammond (more information below).
Friday, April 28, 7:00 pm - Illinois State University Student Filmmakers Night.
Saturday, April 29, 3:00 - 5:00 pm - DIY independent filmmaking workshop led by Griffin Hammond (public welcome).
Saturday, April 29, 7:00 - High School & College competition films followed by Awards Ceremony.
Professional Filmmakers
Doug Doug Spilatro, VP of Visual Effects, Company 3, Santa Monica, CA
Doug Spilatro is a visual effects artist, having received his degree in Film and TV at Illinois State University in 1979. He spent his first 12 years in the industry doing visual effects work on commercials in the Chicago area and now leads the VFX department for Company 3. He has supervised visual effects work on an impressive number of features, including Oscar-winning dramas such as The Revenant, Birdman, The Post, and Fences. Visit Doug’s IMDB page to see the hundreds of Hollywood films he has worked on.
Griffin Hammond, Independent Documentary Filmmaker, Chicago, IL
Griffin Hammond is a freelance documentary filmmaker, known for sharing DIY filmmaking tutorials, and his award-winning hot sauce documentary Sriracha. As a journalist, he covered the 2020 U.S. presidential election at The Recount, and the 2016 campaign for Bloomberg News. Through partnerships with Panasonic, and the U.S. State Department, he’s taught filmmaking workshops in 14 countries. Griffin graduated Illinois State University in 2007, and earned a Masters in Communication from Illinois State University in 2009.
Illinois State University Student Films, April 28 at the Normal Theater beginning at 7:00 pm.
Audience members will vote for the Fan Favorite Award which will be announced at the awards presentations on Saturday, April 29.
Natalie Glennon
Hopeless Lover
Anna Gsell
Ileana Stavropoulos
Waiting Room
Braden Kralis
Madeline Sievers
Atomicon Project
Jadon Crowther
Cloud Nine
Audrey Maxey & Jay Johnston
The Wonder Filled Box of Wishes
Jessica Peterson
Wyatt Saia and Henry Horton
Saint Valentine
Clara Pogue
Story of an Artist
Adam Bloemer
Everything In Between
Janie Greenwald
Coffee, Concerts & Community
Emily Bollinger, Christopher Luden, Will Schneider, Michael Farley and Tyler Ledford
The Castle Theater: Live Music's Journey Through the Pandemic
Cash Cady, Hannah Grawe, Eleanor Bland and Jason Cook
Portrait of Jelani: Grief, Art & Memory
Anthony Fisher, Courtney Ossola, Marcus Pruitt and Aracely Zarco
High School & College Competition Films, Saturday, April 29 at the Normal Theater beginning at 7:00 pm.
Best of Category Award Ceremony to follow the Saturday night screenings.
directed by Own Michael Elliott (High School Animation / Palatine, IL)
directed by Ava Fumarolo (High School Narrative / Palatine, IL)
A Day in the Life
directed by Sophia Winters (High School Narrative / Zionsville, IN)
directed by Sophia Winters (High School Narrative / Zionsville, IN)
directed by Davis Kersey and Alexnader Hilzim (High School Narrative / St. Petersburg, Florida)
directed by Zaknafein Luken (Unviersity Narrative / Lincoln, IL)
directed by Kyleigh Brooks (University Documentary / Oakville, Ontario Canada)
Hate is Not Welcome Here
directed by Zaknafein Luken (University Documentary / Lincoln, IL)
To Be Frank
directed by Derek Hackert (University Documentary / Detroit, MI)
Creating: An Adventure
directed by Jamie R. Wunning (University Animation / Peoria, IL)
The Beneficiary
directed by Zachary Dover (University Animation / Peoria, IL)
The Trail Beyond Highland Road
directed by Eli Copperman (University Animation / Baltimore, MD)
The Plan
directed by Zaknafein Luken (University Narrative / Lincoln, IL)